Anoles: Anoles are a type of lizard that is commonly found in Florida and most of southern USA (Anoles are closer to traditional lizards they do not have different moving eyes like chameleons). They grow to about 4 inches long and live about 3 to 5 years. I would recommend getting an anole if you want a good pet lizard that does not need that much work and is very cheap (That is you do not have to get one).


Diet: They can eat meal worms and crickets, although it is highly recommended to feed any reptile like an anole baby crickets ( I feed all my anoles crickets). Anoles don’t chew their food, they swallow it. Meal worms can eat their way out and the hard part in the crickets shell can build up inside the anole eventually killing it. Baby crickets had the soft chitin that lizards like the anole can handle. If they are being fed meal worms make sure all surviving worms are return to their package in the fridge. The fridge will keep the worms dormant.


Habitat: If you are planing to get an anole or even multiple anoles this is the design i picked for my anoles tank and it is probably the best place for them.First i start out with a twenty gallon tank. Then I have moss on the bottom (Just moss that people put in animal cages, you can find it at your local pet store). I have one fake plant that they use as their home. Then i have an other fake plant that fits in the corner of their cage that is their place were they have play fights. And one wooden log about 5 inches long and that is were they sleep usually. If you live in a cold climate i would recommend getting a heat lamp for your anoles for those cold winter nights.And they are cold blooded so they will need a heat lamp.


Breeding: If you want to breed your anoles you will have to get the rite age of anoles. That age is probably about 2-4 years of age. If you have an anole that is pregnant and lays eggs that are small and look like they were crushed that means that female was too young (I had it happen to mine many times). And if your anole lays fertile eggs take them out of the tank as soon as possible (Because the mother and father and other anoles will eat the eggs). Get a small container for them and put them in it. Let them sit for about a month (If they don't hatch in that amount of time let them sit a little longer). I had two eggs once that I left for more than two months and they hatched. Hope that is enough information if any questions please post them on our comment blog

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