Sword fish: You can get sword fish at any pet store. I do not know were they origonate but they are relativly cheap. They come in two colors orange and white (There might be different colors and albinos).


Habitat: I have a 20 galon tank and I have over 20 sword tail fish in it. All you need is the normal fish tank gravel on the bottom and anything else that you want to put in. Although they do like fake plants and an arch for them to sleep under. They are able to be with other fish and do not bite or nip. I have 20 sword tails a white cloud and two tetras in the tank and none of them fight.


Diet: Sword tail fish eat the normal fish food (I use Tetramin). And they can have the ocasonal fruit nats or Tubiflex worms (you can buy in pet stores).


Breeding: If you want to breed your sword tail fish you will need a male and about 2-4 females (How to tell the males from the females is the males have a long pertruding orange fin out the back of his tail that is if the male is orange, and females have just a normal tail closesd to to the origonal fish). Sword tails have live births and when the young are born they are in balls and sink to the bottom of the fish tank. After they hit the bottom of the tank they pop out into tiny little fish about a mm long. If you do not want your baby sword tails to be eaten by your adults you should get a fish seporator (Sold in almost every pet store). And if one if your females are very very fat it mean she is going to have babys soon, so catchher and put her in the fish seporator. If she has the babys get her out as soon as possible because she will eat her young. Hope that is enough information if any questions please post them on my questions page. Thanks the owner of this site.  

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