Blue tongued skinks: Blue tongued skinks are commonly found in Australia, Tasmania, And New Guinea.The different species found variously in open woodlands, at the margins of forest and field, semi-deserts. In fact their are so many species that i can't even name them all. They have heavy set body on small legs with and weak toes.They have a deep berry blue tongue offsetting the dark pink interior of their mouth.


Habitat: Hatchling's can be kept in a 10 gallon tank. Wile grown ups need at least a 45-55 gallon tank.The lizards have wide ranges in the wild and the thrive a lot more when they have a big enclosure.Substrate can be clean dust-free pine (Not cedar) shaving, aspen shavings or cypress mulch.Most like hides that are a little snug, so a rock cave a piece of bark or a hide box will be needed.Wile these are ground dwelling lizards and might have to clamber over something to get the outrageously large body and tiny legs over a rock or stick.Most seem to enjoy climbing and walking through things so give different levels of sticks and logs hollowed out so the can explore.You will also need a top that fits on securely and if you don't have that a tank tall enough so the skink can't crawl out.One area of slightly damp substrate should be in the tank at all times (use a retreat box into which they can climb in and out freely so it is used when they are shedding).They also should always have a water dish or bowl available at all times.They may go to the bathroom in their water dish so it should be checked regularly.The water dish should also be deep enough so they can climb in and bathe and shallow enough so they can get out easily. Regular exposure to UVB wavelengths are strongly recommended. This can be furnished by close proximity to a Vita-Lite or Zoo Med Iguana or Reptisun fluorescent lights (5.0+) or direct sunlight. If using the latter, be sure that there is a cooler retreat for the skink to go to. They do not tolerate very high temperatures and can easily become prostrate by the buildup of heat in their enclosure.The overall gradient should range from the mid 70s on the cool side to the mid 80s on the warm side. A warmer basking area, with temps well into the 90s, must also be provided during the day. Depending on the type of skink and its place of origin, some will do better with basking areas into the low 100s, while others need basking temps in the low to mid 90s. Observe your lizard for signs of temperature related stress  A people heating pad under the tank at one end, and a radiant heat source overhead at the same end, will generally be all that is required to establish the necessary gradient. Cold winter weather outside will require additional heating or a stronger bulb in the enclosure. Temps should not be allowed to fall below 70 F at night on the cool side.


Diet: Blue-tongues are omnivores, consuming both plant and animal matter. Their diet should be about 60% plant and 40% animal. A basic mixed vegetable salad can be prepared similar to that fed to green iguanas. Along with the salad, thinly sliced greens (collards, dandelion, escarole) can be mixed into the mixed vegetables.Frozen vegetable mixes are either mostly corn and carrots, or mostly cauliflower and broccoli. Neither are particularly good for skinks and other animals. Corn and carrots convert quickly to sugars, and carrots have oxalate's, which bind calcium, preventing its uptake. Cauliflower and broccoli contain goitrogens which bind iodine, leading to impaired thyroid function. In additional, the thiaminase in frozen green vegetables and greens destroys the thiamin (B1) in the plant; when fed regularly, this leads to a thiamin deficiency. If you use frozen vegetables or freeze your own fresh salad.Many skinks seem to relish berries and juicy fruits, so think about keeping a supply of frozen blueberries and cherries around, as well as fresh berries, peaches, nectarines, and pears during the season. A bite or two of banana is generally not refused, either. Hatchling skinks can be started on meal worms, red worms, small crickets, and pinkie mice. As they grow, increase the size of the prey (small earthworms, Zoophoba larvae and pupae, fuzzies and crews).Feed the skinks ad lib, that is, however much they want to eat, when they want to eat. Feeding frequency will taper off as they grow, so you may find that you are offering food 2-4 times a week. Blue-tongues are pretty eloquent when they are hungry (they clearly fixate on your hands and any other perceived movement, often with their mouth open and body ready to charge or pounce), so they are unlikely to go hungry for long so long as you keep an eye on them.Fresh drinking water should always be available for them.


Handling: Blue tongued skinks are usually docile and rarely bite but if cornered like any lizard they will bite. They are easily tamed and little children can hold them if they are used to them. And they do develope claws and might scratch if they are being held. Hope that is enough information if any questions please ask them on the questions page.


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